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Why Freeze-drying?
Unlike canning and other ways of preserving food, freeze drying causes very little damage to the nutritional value of your food. Freeze-dried foods retain nearly all of the nutrients.
How does it work?
Freeze drying is the process of removing moisture by rapidly freezing a substance to sub zero temperatures (lyophilization) and then drying it in a vacuum (sublimation).
I can't eat sugar, can I have your snacks?
The good news is that unless you are eating one of our limited/specialty treats, we don't add any sugar! The sweetness you are tasting is the concentrated flavor of the fruit itself! In addition, 100% of the fiber remains intact!
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has confirmed that dried fruit can be a good option for people with diabetes, but they should be mindful of the fact that portion sizes can be small.
Why do I need this?
Fruit is naturally bursting with flavor, and freeze-dried fruit packs just as satisfying of a punch!
The benefit of freeze-dried fruits, in general, is that because they can live in your pantry, choosing freeze-dried fruits for smoothies over bulky bags of frozen fruit saves you space in your freezer, and they're always readily available when you're looking for something nutritious.
Not only do freeze-dried fruits take up minimal space in your pantry, but they're also lightweight, portable, and, as a result, perfect for travel. Freeze-dried fruit, for example, is versatile because you can eat it out of the bag as a snack, sprinkle it over hot oatmeal in the morning for a boost of superfoods, or make a smoothie on the go; no blender needed!
Aren't all dried foods the same?
Dehyrdationg vs Freeze-drying
Many people think freeze-dried products and dehydrated products are the same thing. While they’re both good for long-term storage and emergency kits, their “life sustaining shelf life” is different, as is their preservation process.
Freeze-drying removes about 98 percent of the moisture in food, while dehydration removes about 90 percent.
Shelf life
The moisture content has an effect on shelf life, with freeze-dried foods lasting between 25 and 30 years, and dehydrated products lasting about 15 to 20 years.
Freeze-dried food retains most of the original vitamins and minerals of fresh produce, while the dehydration process can easily break down those nutrients.
How do I get the most out of my storage?
Several key storage conditions have huge impacts on the shelf life of freeze-dried food.
Oxygen in the air can have negative effects on the nutrients, vitamins, flavor, and color in food. It can also increase the growth of microorganisms like bacteria. Having an airtight seal on food in storage is a must for preserving shelf life.
Moisture also creates a beneficial environment for microorganisms, resulting in spoilage and deterioration of freeze-dried food. Shelf life is significantly shortened when food is stored in a damp area.
When food is exposed to light, it can deteriorate the proteins, vitamins, and nutrients in it. This can quickly result in discoloration and off-flavors, so be sure to store your products in a dark area.
High temperatures cause proteins to break down and vitamins to be destroyed, affecting the color, flavor, and odor of preserved food. Storing food in a warm environment will quickly deteriorate its shelf life.

If you still have questions about what we do, how we do it, or what we can do for you, please don't hesitate to drop us a line and ask!
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